Monday, October 30, 2006

Love In Action

Jesus taught us not to love merely by words but by deeds. On top of that, put into practice what you learned. I did it today and i wasn't proud of myself but felt thankful for being able to seize this rare opportunity to donate blood which didn't clash with my class eventually. God has graced the whole process although my arm was numb which lasted for quite some time immediately after i left the elevated relaxing lazy chair. Opportunity like this doesn't bump into us accidentally or conveniently. I believe it's a time when decision is to be made out of our clear conscience, where after much courage is accumulated to respond our love to God and His people who are urgently in need of the blood that everyone donated. Knowing not much that how the little amount that i have donated could help in saving one's life but certainly it's a right thing to do, acknowledging that God has given and it's time for me to give cheerfully and generously.I wish could have donated generously though,unfortunately i didn't have my breakfast prior to the donation because i woke up late before i went to worship service. Therefore, the doctor informed me that it was advisable for me to donate only 300ml of blood, lesser amount than one normally donates. At least it's better than none! It's an expression of gratitude to my Eternal Heavenly Father for all these healthy years that i have had.


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