the walk
I have been enjoying it constantly especially in the morning. The warmth of the sunshine always reminds me of the presence of our mighty Creator. On top of that, the existing of the heaven's eye assures me the hope that can be found in God daily. Nothing is impossible with God around is what i always think in the beginning of each day but the thought may not last until the end of the day. At least, my journey to the campus becomes more meaningful as i want to waste no time praying for whatever that comes across my mind. Sometimes, i have been too self-conscious that people who drive or walk pass me may think that i mumble to myself. Automatically i cease but then continue mumbling, laughing at myself. Only 4 more weeks to go. To me, it's something that i want to carry it with me when i have officially completed my studies here. The path to the destination has not been changed thus far. Nothing special, no awesome scenery nor breathtaking views. Of course it depends very much how you look at it. However, it still grips in my heart that it is indeed a significant, impossible-to-be-forgotten journey. I have been walking it to and fro for three and a half years. It is God who has been walking side by side with me in those days until now. Still, it's the most pleasant and enjoyable walk. The walk seemingly signifies my walk with the Lord. The closeness is beyond description.
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