Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Sleepless night

yester-night was the most terrible night that ever happened to me in this year. So many things were running through my mind and i did not know which one to focus on. After i took my medicine, i was still tossing and turning on my bed. Perhaps the t-shirt i wore wasn't suitable to sleep at night.
"Where should i work, where should i serve, where should i begin, when should i further my studies" are some of the questions that kept playing in my mind throughout the entire night. Thus, i was quite cranky this morning due to serious sleep deprivation. Why should all these things be in my head when im not feeling well? I suffered a trying moment like this and it's enough. Even this once lasted for the whole night.
I can't afford to be too slack. Time waits for no one. I will find it. I need to set it aside for prayer and do some thinking at least of what am i going to do next?



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